Our Safety Standards

We have provide full safety measurement both for drivers/operators and also the lorries/cranes. The construction equipment and plant is fitted with the following protection and safety related devices. Initial Inspection is conducted for all general machineries and mobile crane by our internal safety officer or GM. Verification of the relevant documents is conducted before entry of the machinery to any sites. All the machineries will be inspected and approved by third party (SGS). The report provided by the SGS for each lorry/crane is only valid for 6month. The documents to verify include (but not limited to):

  • Our drivers are certified and qualified to Malaysia Transportation regulatory.
  • Drivers are required to attend a crane operator courses before they are allowed to operate the cranes.
         This is to ensure that the crane operator has a high-level skill and able to handle the crane correctly and in a safe manner.
  • Drivers hold appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and valid licenses.
  • Complete safety inspection conducted by safety officers (SGS).
  • Training is provided for employees and contractors to carry out duties safely while meeting all legislative requirements.

Our Safety Certificates


Perakuan Pendaftaran. Adalah dengan ini diperakui bahawa kontraktor yang dinyatakan di bawah ini telah berdaftar dengan Lembaga mengikut Bahagian VI Akta Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia 1984.


Perakuan Pendaftaran. Adalah dengan ini diperakui bahawa kontraktor yang dinyatakan di bawah ini telah berdaftar dengan Lembaga mengikut Bahagian VI Akta Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia 1984.

Ministry of Finance - 1133 RK LORRY TRANSPORT

Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia. Sijil Akuan Pendaftaran Syarikat 1133 RK LORRY TRANSPORT SDN. BHD.

Ministry of Finance - 1133 CRANES & TRADING SDN. BHD.

Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia. Sijil Akuan Pendaftaran Syarikat 1133 CRANES & TRADING SDN. BHD.